THE BIG APPLE 是一所集合各地文化與高品質品牌的品牌集合店,由一群來自澳門喜愛潮流文化的90後創立。
在美式俚語中,THE BIG APPLE 意為"文化熔爐",也是我們最想追求的核心價值;在這裡,風格的界線被最大化地模糊,我們專注於選品本身的文化特質,單品之間的化學元素,與穿搭的可能性。
承載著這樣的想法,THE BIG APPLE 於8年前成軍,引入來自世界各地不同的品牌,向大家介紹背後值得留意的文化故事。
> THE APPLE POST (Since 2014)
"We are the melting pot of fashion and culture"
Since 2014, THE BIG APPLE is an O2O fashion destination based on Japanese and Contemporary American Culture. With 5 retail stores located in Macau, we are dedicated to provide various culturally-relevant products and services, ranging from clothing to art and life-related goods, as the fundamental part of our cultural-spreading vision.
"We are the melting pot of fashion and culture"
Collaborated with sneaker unit US17 since 2019, our 3-level experience store on the most bustling district of Macau is refurbished under the concept of "Melting Pot", one of the best icon to represent metropolitan culture; In this space, we have worked with worldwide brands such as Nike, Champion etc, to carry out special exhibitions and launch events, and will be continuously dedicated to curate various cross-boundary events and exhibition, spanning street-art, music, photography and multi-media categories, to achieve the progression of culture and at the same time providing the best ideas for fashion and culture lovers.
Welcome to the melting pot of fashion and culture.